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Monday, January 14, 2019

Writing Month Plans | Novel Planning for March, April, May and June

Hey! So, if you're wondering about the title of this blog post, I'm gonna explain. One of my writing egos had a brilliant idea and decided to talk to the other egos and they all ganged up on me. So I conceded all control to them and they are making plans. BIG PLANS. I'm just the vessel that has to suffer while they all bombard me with tasks and lose sleep because I'm not fast enough to tend all their wants . . . *inhales, exhales*
So, what I'm doing right now is telling you what is going to happen over the next four months. And I say 4 because I have things I want to accomplish somewhere in all of this as well. Let's get into it, yeah?

Firstly, this was all Vixen's idea.
Coming to Wattpad worldwide, The Zorro Island Series. Three books (that anyone knows of), three different genres mixing together. And we have amazing cover art for promotional purposes. The designer in me spent 2.5 days looking through unused designs (as in designs I've made in the past, but they were never got show-cased) and a lot of fun. I mean, look at that mock-up box set!

Next on the agenda is to share the list of things each ego is hoping to accomplish.
Vixen is planning to have her book in this series written in the month of March.
Em wants her book done in May.
Hadassah wants to be done with her book in June.

"But wait. You have April in there too. Why did you skirt the month?"
Because here's the thing: I want to go with Camp NaNoWriMo that month. I have a book I want to finish. I started it a while back, but it's on hold with only 7 chapters written. I won't say which name it's under, because I'm getting there. I'll be sharing details on that very soon. Until then, scroll the sidebar to find the series image that will lead you to the Wattpad profile where the series will be posted. :D

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