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Monday, October 31, 2022

The WriMo Blog: It Was Just A Coincidence, I Promise!

Hello, writer friends! This is a post about some crazy coincidences that happened in the world, AFTER I wrote them as catastrophic events in some of my projects. I thought about sharing this on my other blog, but then I realized it is better to share them here because it involves both of my pen-names.
So, when I realized these events were happening and I was in the middle of reading old outlines/stories with similar events happening in them, I freaked out. 

Back in 2016, I wrote the start of what I thought would be the best serial ever. Of course, it was under my Hadassah Harper pen-name (at the time). It was titled "Chaos & Peace" and it was a light suspense story with Christian themes and a bit of chaos. I stopped writing the second episode, in 2017, due to moving. By the time Hurricane Maria came around, I'd decided to let a few stories sit a while.

Anyway, this serialized story was following a group of young Christians who suffer because of their beliefs and struggle through world events. One of those events being "a world-wide epidemic". Yeah, you read that right. It was so... yeah, I can't describe what it felt like when I made that connection.

A world-wide epidemic. Sheesh.

Let's jump a couple of years to July 2019, I had this brilliant idea to write a superhero series set in post-apocalyptic Puerto Rico, where the island was utterly devastated by a series of earthquakes and natural disasters. I used Hurricane Maria as one of the events because it happened and I thought I was being clever.

Six months later, on January 7th, 2020, @ 4:24am, the island was hit by the first of many earthquakes with several nasty aftershocks... Yeah. I haven't gone back to work on that story since that week.

I genuinely have a soft spot for this story because it's one of the few stories where my Puertorican heritage is represented. (The previously mentioned story also takes place in Puerto Rico, in the first story, at least.)

Now, this next one is going to... maybe hurt a few people because it involves my One Direction fan-fictions from 2013-2015. *shm* Yes, for those of you who have been following this blog for the last 10 years, you know it used to be my personal blog where I blasted my fan-fiction writing. Let's spit-fire these details.

Louis Tomlinson is the first member to have a kid. I was a Louis' girl and most of my stories revolved around him and family life. 1D-family was a popular trope in the fandom, I had at least three stories following family orientated themes.

Harry becoming a solo sensation and keeping his 1D fans close. I never shared the story, but there was a story idea I had for Harry post-1D days and his fanbase growing stronger. The acting, specifically. *gasp*

Zayn leaves the band... Yeah, this one hurt the most. I never posted an actual story where he leaves, just a chapter in their later life where he talks about leaving. But I made it a temporary split... Anyone else still waiting for a reunion? There was also an alt-universe where he was never in a band, but that was post-separation.

This next one is still fan-fic related, but it's not 1D. It was a mash-up and it included: The Jonas Brothers, Demi, Selena & Justin, Miley, and Michelle Rodriguez. You might be wondering what the heck could be coinciding with this bunch. The Demi/Selena friendship has a minor feud is one thing, though its not a huge deal because they made up in my story. Selena/Justin in a Ross & Rachel relationship - "We were on a break!" The "Send It On" phase. This story was a finalist in TheWattys in 2012, and I don't know why! It was a crap story!

That last one was a recent realization. Anyway, that's all I'm going to share. Because it just keeps getting so crazy.

Thanks for joining me. Are you surprised by this post? Have you ever written something that coincided with real-life events, unbeknownst to you until after it happened? Comment below!

Stay safe, stay awesome. See you in the funny papers!

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