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Thursday, October 27, 2022


Hello, writer friends! I know, I know. I haven't updated since summer. I have my reasons, but the short explanation is this: I've been busy getting one of my books ready for publication. If you want to know more about my publishing journey, follow my RWR Blog.

I am not participating in NaNoWriMo this year. I have too much going on and I just don't have the motivation to suffer through another failed 50k. Besides, I am happy with the progress I've been making with my personal project. Here's what's going on with ALLURING STARLIGHT.

Back in June, I said I was working on a romantic fantasy novel in my last post and that I would update the following week. I did intend to update, but as life would have it, I forgot and was busy. I did write 8.3k words in that project before July and then I tried to use CampNaNo to get my remaining words. Of course, it didn't work out, but that was right when I started working on my publication plans. The project was set aside and I haven't picked it back up yet.

It is so incredibly frustrating to not work on something I said I wanted to work on. However, after reading "Writing Into the Dark" by Dean Wesley Smith, my mindset has changed about my writing. So, I started a NEW personal project to try out his method of writing without a pre-planned outline. I've written this way before, but not the same as is described in the book. It was so amazing and insightful. I am not sharing much about this personal project right now but I can say that it is a fantasy adventure inspired by myth/legend/fairytale. When I feel more confident about what I am writing, and when I have more than 40% written, I will share in-depth detail about it.

Through NaNoWriMo, I think I would like to reflect on past experiences and share what worked for me, and what didn't work for me. Helpful writing tips you can try during the month. As well as a discussion about the "Writing Into the Dark" method. If this is something you would be interested in seeing on this blog, you're going to get it.

Thank you for joining me. I know this was a short update, but its what I've got today. Stay safe, stay awesome, see you in the funny papers!

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