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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Another Sunday, Come and Gone.

Hey all! Just so you know, I did start a post on Friday, but I stopped because I got carried away. When you are working on a laptop or a PC, it is so easy to get distracted. The reason why is quite simple. Compared to most tablets and other hand devices, it is very easy to get the INTERNET working. Whereas, on a hand device, you have to, LITERALLY, stop what you are doing to get the browser open. Laptops and PC are a click away.

Anyways, my book order (BookOutlet via Amazon) arrived last week, but I did not get it in my hands until Saturday evening. Actually, my dad had gone to the post office in the afternoon, but forgot all the mail in the trunk of the car. But when they got to my hands, I was happy. Here are the covers of those two books (which I cannot read until after all my sisters have taken their turn)

The Thief and The Tomb are books 2 and 3 in the Living Waters series, written by Stephanie Lansem. These books follow The Well, but do not necessarily follow the same story, though some of the characters are re-introduced as their own lead character. I cannot wait to start reading them!

I managed to get Pictures of You running again. I finished the chapter I was stuck on, and I started a new chapter this morning. I am taking quite a "dark" turn for this chapter, in terms of plot and emotion. I do not mean "dark" dark, I just mean it is not as light and carefree as the previous chapters. A hint: something tragic. 'Nuff said.

Another thing I have managed to do is nothing. Yeah, I am the princess of nothing, hahaha! Well, I take that back. I have received MILLIONS of emails, promoting giveaways, and I have entered almost every single one of them. And right as I am writing this post, I am participating in a FB event, hoping to win one of the giveaways they are holding there (Kindle!).

Well, that is all for today. I do not have anything else I wish to say. So, live, laugh, love and cry a little. :) God bless!

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