Project Tracker

Currently tracking ... Camp NaNoWriMo July 2024; Project Humanoid

434 / 10000 words. 4% done!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Most random . . . Duh!

Like the banner! I was looking through my art portfolio and came across this simple beauty. I do not remember when I made/wrote this nor do I remember when I started, but it was when I was going through my Sherlock Holmes phase. The story is not complete, nor have I had any notion to move forward. It is one of those stories that is left on the shelf, untouched. However, if you feel that you would like to push me to finishing it . . . CLICK HERE.

Anyways, it is rather late, considering I would normally have my Sunday post ready by now, or at least midway complete. But I just don't have anything to blog about today. Well, except . . . .

Be sure to check out Haddie's Haven and Hadassah Books, I've got plenty of posts that have been going live over the last week. Going to be sharing a giveaway soon! If I can get some extra $$ to send the prize, because I have been needing to do this for a while.

Enjoy your Sunday! God bless!

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