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Friday, February 5, 2016

Father-Daughter, Sisters and Similar Topics

It's Friday And for today's post, I've decided to branch of and share something that I never thought would sneak its way into my blog, but it is. SO here we go!

Have you ever noticed how crucially important your father character is in your life?

Ask yourself this question and write down the most obvious answer. "YES."

On Wednesday, I took some time before lunch to approach my dad today. I will not relay the topic. It's not something to share . . . Yet.

There are young girls and women in this world who grew up without a father. More often than not, those same girls and women will go seeking for a father-like figure to stand in for that missing figure in their life. I knew someone who was like this, and she was CONSTANTLY dating men who were thirty and above. When she would come visit, there was this high respect she had for my dad and he would always open arms because she was hurting.

So, today my sister got one of the books we ordered TOGETHER. But she's a little under the weather, so I will have to wait for her to recover before I take a chance at reading it. LOL! Which means that I have my laptop all day. Mom told us not to share the keyboard.

Visit Hadassah Books to find out what I've got brewing in the writing pot! So much happening!

Well, I'm off to finish formatting . . . See ya!

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