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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Kindle Press Campaign | #CampNaNoWriMo2016 AfterMath

Hey everyone! Whelp, it's finally begun, at least it is starting to move forward. This involves Camp NaNoWriMo because it is (obviously) the novel I wrote for the session. I tried doing this with my other Camp novel, but the story still needed work. Romeo's Sneakers, however, has been pretty much fully edited and ready to go for a while. I did final edits yesterday.

I am pretty sure most of you who pass by will have heard of Kindle Scout. If you haven't, it is a branch of Amazon Kindle that publishes like a traditional publishing press, but through Amazon without you being entirely independent. Kindle Press.

How Kindle Scout works is you upload your manuscript, your cover, author info, and you run a 30 day campaign to receive nominations. But of course, your novel has to be approved and meet the standards. If your novels meets the requirements and is approved, your campaign goes live. If the novel receives a sufficient amount of nominations, it gets noticed, but that does not necessarily mean your will be published.

After the campaign ends, the novel goes into a review stage, and from there you just have to wait. But you might be asking what is in it for the people who nominate the novel. I began making nominations a while ago, which is why I know so much.

The people that nominate the novel, should it be accepted for publication, receive a free copy of the book before it goes live on Amazon. This allows them to read the entire story and leave reviews for the author. Pretty cool, huh?

Well, that's what I wanted to share with you. Now that I've explained it to you . . . click the banner above and nominate my novel!

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