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Monday, January 15, 2018

Camp NaNoWriMo vs NaNoWriMo

I was looking at my Camper page. And saw this.

For me, its a BIG deal that I can say I participated 4 times in a row and won 3/4. That's a HUGE accomplishment. Because if you look at my NaNoWriMo projects (even though I completed one of them a few days late), Camp sessions go way smoother than NaNoWriMo does.

That's not a problem for me. It just happens. I know that November is a hard month for me to even think about finish a novel within 30 days. Because in 2015, stuff happened that made me lose all inspiration and all motivation. I had started on a roll, and it was moving. Until that one day and everything fell into an abyss. I still can't pick back up on that novel I was writing (Heart and Soul). Even though I've come to terms with what happened and it doesn't bother me anymore, it still hurts. But I cannot let that stop me from doing what I love doing. Writing. So, even though that one novel very well might collect dust, I'm still writing other novels.
For example, Pieces of Me was written during NaNoWriMo of 2016. I just finished a few days late. But I wrote it. I finished it. It was so relieving and gave me a greater sense of accomplishment. More so than when I finished Camp NaNoWriMo a few months before.
Prince in Disguise is actually going to be a shorter novella-length story, which is probably why I haven't really finished it. Its mostly on paper. So it will take me some time to get it moving.

Anyway, to pull all this together. I think I like the Camp sessions of NaNoWriMo better. Clearly for reasons I've stated above. I'm not saying anything against November. This is just my preference.

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