Project Tracker

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000 / 00000 words. 0% done!

Monday, June 28, 2021

Camp NaNoWriMo July 2021: Project Prepping | The WriMo Blog

Hello, writer friends! It has been a hot minute, hasn't it? Well, so much has happened, but I'm not gonna get into that. Yes, I changed the name of this blog. Yes, "WriMo" means "Writing Month(ly)". And yes, the Rock Winter Records name belongs to me.

This post is my WriMo announcement! Yes, I decided to commit to Camp NaNoWriMo this July. I used April's Camp to collectively track how much writing I got done, but I stopped a week in because life happened. So, this time, even with my family trying to move and working, I'm going to get some writing done. I have 2 projects in mind. Let's break down some of my Camp goals.

Word Count: 30,000-35,000 - This is a simple goal. My reason for choosing this number is because it is enough to get me to the mid-point of one project but also enough to help me finish the first draft on the other project.

Daily count: 1,667 - This should be more than enough to reach the word count by the end of July. And if I can manage it, I could easily write 2-3k, daily.

Project: I am still deciding between projects but I do know either way, I will choose the right book. The first is the sequel to my three-book fantasy series, The Xiphis Saga. I've been working on this book, on and off, for several months. I started it immediately after I finished the second draft of the first book in the series. The series, as a whole, is inspired by Neil Gaiman's Stardust, and shares similarities to the movie, Jupiter Ascending. Minus the space weirdness. What are the similarities? I think I will have to make a different post about that.

The other project is also the second book in a three-book futuristic, SciFi romance trilogy. This book is titled Firefly and is partially inspired by the TV series of the same title. And yes, it takes place mainly in outer space. The main focus is romance.

I want to maintain an updating schedule on this blog. Like I did back in 2017 and 2018. So, instead of doing a "daily" check-in, I think I will do a weekly post. I don't want to burn myself out trying to come up with a daily update or find myself without anything to update at all.

This is all I have for now. Thank you for tuning in. I hope you have a fantastic week. Comment below if you're participating and would like a writing buddy!

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