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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

NaNoWriMo 2021: Week 2 Update | The WriMo Blog, E. H.

Hello, writer friends! Well, it's happened again. I am not sure if I am sabotaging myself, or if it is just a pattern in my life that I have to accept... Nah, I don't have to accept it. Actually, I think I can still kick this thing in the butt.

Everything truly started going downhill on Day 10. Which was the day I had hoped to have 15,000 words in my project total. But things came up. I went to the movies, I had guests over. I visited with friends for dinner. I have also been taking care of 5 kittens. These are the things for which I allow exceptions during NaNo. And all of my TikTok buddies (oh my gosh, I have over 1,000 followers now!) agree with me that it is perfectly fine to take a break. This helps avoid burnout and loss of motivation.

Something interested happened on Day 12 though. I was suddenly writing a scene that I had intended for the final book in the Xiphis Saga. It was supposed to be in one of the first chapters, but instead, it is happening in the middle of Act2 in TBotB. And I am okay with that. It will allow me to further develop the third/final book when the time comes.

Today is Day 16 and I keep giving myself the goal to write 5,000 words as a means to catch me up. I just need to be within range of the project goal for today and I will be happy.

This is all I have for now. I hope your NaNoWriMo is going well for you. If you are interested in daily NaNo updates and other bookish/writing clips, check out the links profile I have in the sidebar for my TikTok. You can also add me as a Buddy on the NaNoWriMo site and I will cheer you on.

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