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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

NaNoWriMo 2021: Week 4 Update | Reflection Wrap-UP

Hello, writer friends! Well, we made it to the end of the month and I may not have reached 50,000 words, but I got half of my book written. That's a win! I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what this NaNo month has taught me and what I hope to achieve in the near future because of the things I learned.

One of my major takeaways this month is that I don't have to look at things from the negative. Every little goal reached is a win. Moping about not reaching the end goal is not healthy. However, I did have a few things on my mind this month and it contributed to the negative thought patterns.

Am I disappointed that I didn't make 50,000? Of course, I am but I am also very pleased with the new direction of the book. I mentioned at the start of the month how I was not happy with where the book was going and scrapped the whole thing to start over. Reaching the mid-point was very difficult before and now I have a road paved to get the rest of the book done.

In addition to the aforementioned, on Thanksgiving morning, I came to the realization that the Xiphis Saga is not going to be three (3) books, but it will just be two (2) books. This realization came at such a good time in writing TBotB because I got stuck at the midpoint. I will explain what I did to get over that in a moment.

I am super pleased to have my daily updates on TikTok. I like the digital interaction. And I have over 1,000 followers now, which is insane. I mean, that many people actually want to see me be a total weirdo? Awesome!

Why was I stuck at mid-point? I needed to figure out how I was going to include a chapter/scene from the villain-POV because the book would have had a massive plot-hole without the villain-POV. I remember posting to TikTok that day for minor advice from my fellow Authors, and this was the consensus. I haven't written the scene/chapter yet, but I've made some notes about what I want.

Thanks for following me on this writing journey. Can't wait to fill you in on my next WriMo entry. 

See you in the funny papers!

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