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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Looking Back on My 2022 | The WriMo Blog, with E. H.

Hello, writer friends! I was looking back on all the things that happened in my writing this year, and my, oh my! I accomplished so many goals this year. Some of which I wanted to do 5 years ago.
First of all, one of my goals was to “Mark a project/story as complete.” I can say that I completed 2 projects. In January, I wrote a second-chance short story for my story anthology, MANY LEAVES, ONE TREE. It was a simple story and I wrote it because I needed to remind myself that I CAN make it to the end of a story.
(The short story is titled Second Chance with Wes.)

Following this was ONC2022 (an amateur writing competition held by ambassadors of the Wattpad non-affiliated community) in February. Three days before the contest began, I read the “alert” post about the Open Novella Contest and for writers to look for the prompts on the 1st of the month. I’d seen the contest in previous years, but never participated. I’ve talked about this before, so I’ll keep this brief. February 1st, I went through the prompts, wrote down the ones I liked best and chose one from a hat. 12 weeks later, I was able to submit a completed novella and got my 20k Word Count sticker. I would have loved to win one of the prizes, but just participating was so good for my writing. That novella is a romantic fantasy titled, The Lark’s Pearl. I also used reaching my goal as an excuse to buy myself a pearl necklace. Yeah, I did, and its lovely. ♥

In the midst of writing TLP, I kicked myself in the butt and made the decision to put my low-content books on Amazon. However, I wanted to make sure I knew the process correctly. I’d played around with CreateSpace before it was absorbed to KDP; I needed time to learn the new platform before I did anything crazy. So I published my fantasy short story, "Prince in Disguise”. I sold 2 copies on my first day. I was riding a high, so I dove into my notebooks. I took my time making the covers look pretty. I already had my notebook files print-ready, I just needed to upload them and press the big yellow “Publish” button.

That’s what I did. I have 75-ish notebooks and planners, and even though I haven’t published any new ones in the while, I like having them up there for passive income. (I mentioned this as a side-hustle in my previous post, See Here.) DreamBig! Notebooks.

End of May, I kicked myself in the butt again and decided I wanted to published (actually publish) one of my completed books. I thought about choosing TLP, but that story was missing a new chapter to fully complete the story (some readers pointed out some inconsistencies). So I went through my backlist and realized the book was staring my right in the face. My Hearts of Gold novel, “Escaping Reality.” By mid-June, I was playing around with new titles and cover art. I was decided and I chose my release date. Of course, when my release date came around, I didn’t get to celebrate because I was busy being sick.
Trusting in Faith is available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited, eBook and paperback!

I feel so proud of myself for reaching these goals. I mean, I have so many goals and it's been hard trying to figure out how I can accomplish them all. There are still some that I haven't even shared with people yet.

Well, that's my year. Now tell me about yours. ♥ Stay safe, stay awesome. See you in the funny papers!

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