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Friday, January 6, 2023

The WriMo Blog: It's a New Year, Time for New Goals!

Welcome to The WriMo Blog where I share my monthly writing goals, project progress, and more! Today's post is all about my 2023 Goals. If this interests you, keep reading!
Big things are coming to the Write Monthly Blog! Probably nothing too new because I have shared some of my intentions and potential plans in a previous post. But there is something going on that I am super excited to share in 2023. What is that something? I’ll tell you about it, but first here are some of my Goals for the new year.

1) I am going to participate in the ONC 2023. I know this goal seems like a cop-out but it’s only half of a goal because I want to qualify for the Longlist. The ONC Longlist is the list of semi-finalist (I think this is the right stories that are in the running for the Shortlist and the final 5 winners. I’ve never made it to a semi-finals list and it would mean the world to see my name on there. Of course, this does mean setting aside 12 weeks to write a 20,000 word novella. It also means deciding which pen-name I will do it under. I wrote under my fantasy/scifi name last time, so I guess it will depend on the prompts we get. And there is a reason this is the first goal, because ONC is, basically, the start of the new year.

2) Have a consistent posting schedule on my blog(s). 2022 was a rough one and it really got in the way of my social upkeeps. Sure, I work as a social media manager and this really makes harder for me to work on my personal platforms after spending hours posting for someone else. I’m not going to hold myself to this goal, but it is something I would like to work on.

3) Work on that one project I’ve struggled with for a couple of years. I know I’ve made this a goal in the past, but there are some projects I want to “finish” so I don’t have them on my mind. I’m not going to label any of them right now, but they will certainly come up later.

4) Start my podcast. Yes, I’ve had plans to start a podcast since March 2022. Probably earlier than that, even; but to get this idea moving forward, I have to actually write my podcast scripts (because it will be a chatty, scripted podcast) so I can have them ready for when I do start sharing it.

5) Finally, I want to publish my next book, but I don’t really have a book close enough to where I had TIF. Trusting in Faith was very near perfect and only needed a few more breeze-through edits. I do have an idea of which book to get started with edits, but it is still a long way, away from where I would feel comfortable sending it to another pair of eyes.

Okay, I’ve shared my goals, now for that something. I’m working on a new story, one I promised to write for someone. No, its not one I’ve shared before and I do intend to share an in-depth explanation about what this story is about. But you will have to wait until my next post for that.

Additionally, I have a blog series for new ONC participants in the works with all the tips and tricks I picked up during my first year participating. I think many newbies will find it helpful when it comes from a “new” writer in the game. The introductory post is coming in a couple of weeks, so lookout for that!

Anyway, thank you for joining me. What are some of your 2023 goals? Writing-related, life-related. I would love to know!

Stay safe, stay awesome. See you in the funny papers!

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