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Monday, March 27, 2023

The WriMo Blog: Camp NaNoWriMo, April 2023

Welcome to The WriMo Blog where I share my monthly writing goals, project progress, and more! Today's post is about my goals for the coming session of Camp NaNoWriMo, April 2023. If this interests you, keep reading!
I haven’t had the best NaNo streak these passed five years. I continue to try; I start the month great, but somewhere it just falls downhill. So for this session of Camp, my goal is to outline a series of novellas. I’m calling it Project “Magic of Pearls” and that should be the perfect hint for you to guess which story-line I am hoping to work on.

I mentioned in my 2023 Projects post that I want to take time to revise/edit my novella THE LARK’S PEARL. In doing that, I will have the story and important “historic” details for the spin-offs. I talked about this plan a while back, probably on the related blog (Author, E. S. Elias). I have three planned stories (just notes on paper) and bonus chapters for TLP from the prince’s perspective. However, the bonus chapters would definitely form a short story rather than additional chapters in the main story. Like a short prequel to explain how the Prince became the Lark.

My notebook is filling with a chapter breakdown of THE LARK’S PEARL. I’ve been reading and taking notes during my “off hours” and until now, I don’t see anything I don’t like. This is the only “prep” I am doing before April starts. The writing software plan to use is GoogleDocs so I can minimize distractions. And I am using this so I can download the outline later and add it to my Scrivener file where I will write the actual novellas. I don’t foresee drafting any of these novellas this year, but having something of an outline will help when I decide to start that process.

Anyway, that is my goal for this Camp NaNo. Outline the spin-off novellas. The word count goal is 15,000 words. The number of novellas remains the same, but I think there might be another floating around in my vault of story ideas.

Using Camp NaNo to work on outlining is a great way to participate. I’ve watched videos of other writers doing it and it doesn’t hurt to give it a try. A lot of writers will use Preptober (Preparation October) to outline their NaNoWriMo project in the following month of November. And many will edit their NaNoWriMo projects during the Camp months.

I don't know if I will be updating my progress or not, but I will my results when the month is over. That's all I have for now. Thanks for stopping in, I hope your writing projects are progressing to your liking. Stay safe, and stay awesome. See you in the funny papers!

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