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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The WriMo Blog: Planned Projects for 2023 | Six-ish Books!

Welcome to The WriMo Blog where I share my monthly writing goals, project progress, and more! Today's post is about my projects for the rest of 2023. If this interests you, keep reading!
When the year started, I shared a potential project I hoped to work on and plan before ONC2023 took full reign of my writing time. Now that the ONC2023 is simmering, I am so happy to share with you the projects I am going to be working on this year. And yes, the number of projects is 6, including the ones I’ve been working on for ONC.

Side note: The 2 books I’ve been writing for ONC2023 count in this list because I have been writing them this year. So, while those are 2 separate books, I am counting them as 1 project because they are both linked to ONC.

1) INVISIBLE - This book has reached certain word count goals faster than I ever anticipated. I knew I would cruise through my ONC project(s), but I didn’t realize how deeply motivated I would be. INVISIBLE has proved to be my favorite of my ONC projects and I am really pleased with the outcome.

The Outside World - While I continue to push through with this book, I do feel I have created a minor obstacle somewhere and I cannot figure out how to move forward. However, I am still working on this book and doing what I can to make sure I reach my next milestones. I still like where the story is going, I'm just struggling to get it to my next plot point.

2) Project TTAR - Time-Travel Adventure Romance. I have a full post about this story and what I hope to achieve by writing it. I have a couple of scenes written, but I want to plan it a little more before I actually sit to write it. At this time, the main goal is to plan this book as I am working on the other projects. I do have a lot planned for the story, already, but I need to do a little more research for this book before I start sharing anything about it. 
One word: Outlander.

3) Project Humanoid - This project shares a similar formulation to TTAR, because it was an idea given to me by a close writer friend. My friend sent me a message with the idea and how she felt it was a good fit for my writing style. Currently, I have some outline notes and the prompt I have also written a scene and I think many 90s babies/kids will like this. In my head, I see this book as Alita: Battle Angel meets Astro Boy, but with Sandlot vibes. I do not have any title or series plans, so this book will be referred to as "Project Humanoid" until I see things more clearly.

4) The Lark’s Pearl - Revisions. The time has come. I have wanted to get back into this novella for some time, I just didn’t know when. I wanted to work on it last summer, but there was so much going on and I had other projects I was working on, plus publishing a book. It was on the shelf for a while. However, I recently printed it out in the cutest pocket version ever! I can literally take it anywhere. It is a personal copy, but its also for the purpose of reading the book in a different format and making notes of what I want to fix/change. 

At the time of sharing this post, I have already read through three chapters and don’t see anything I don’t like. Needless to say, The Lark’s Pearl has a very strong beginning.

5) The King’s Horse. Kingdom of Heaven meets War Horse and the Last Samurai. This is a book that is connected to my historical romance series, The Khrebtova Saga. I tried to work on the next book in the main series last year for Camp NaNoWriMo, but I found some inconsistencies that made it difficult to move forward. The King’s Horse has been at the back of my mind for many years. It is going to take place during the Holy Crusades and yes, it does have fantasy elements.

6) Modern Classics short stories. Up until this point, the projects I’ve been talking about have been for my E. S. Elias (scifi fantasy) pen-name. This project is connected to my romance pen-name, Esther Elias. I have a few short stories I want to write, together they build the Modern Classics series. Each story is roughly 10,000 words, so if I wanted to write five of them, it counts as one novel.

I did talk about the Modern Classics on my romance author blog in recent months and I am fairly certain I spoke about which classics I hope to give a modern twist.

These are the “six” projects I am working on in 2023. I know, this post feels like is should have been posted back with my 2023 writing goals post, but I didn’t have this list in my head yet. I was thinking about ONC and did not plan to think beyond that until I was midway through the contest. Unfortunately, I do not have any publishing plans, although I might change my mind later. It really depends on which of my books I feel is the closest to being ready and if I can get a slot with my editor.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope your writing is going well. Make sure to check back here for another WriMo post. I am trying to write at least 3 posts a month. Stay safe, and stay awesome. See you in the funny papers!

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