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Thursday, March 23, 2023


Welcome to The WriMo Blog where I share my monthly writing goals, project progress, and more! Today's post is about my ONC2023 updates. If this interests you, keep reading!
I was recently at a point in my ONC writing where I was soaring forward in one project, but hitting a wall in the other. Let’s discuss.

My novella, INVISIBLE, is becoming more and more like a book every time I sit down to write. I can see my next chapter before it reaches paper. I know what is going to happen and it appears on the page. Everything is almost too easy with this book, but I’m not questioning it.

What I was questioning was my current writer-wall in THE OUTSIDE WORLD. Everything was going really well up until the first few days of March. I had finished writing Chapter 6 and was trying to get Ch. 7 going, only to find myself have an internal crisis with hot to justify the scene in the previous chapter. I had written myself into a wall and I couldn’t figure out how to keep going. I shared this concern to my Wattpad page and the first response gave me advice I recently gave in my ONC Tips & Tricks series. However, this person’s advice narrowed it down to the detail I needed to hear from someone else. Because sometimes someone else needs to tell you things for you to grasp it, you know?

After a week of letting the story brew, watching movies and reading books with similar themes, I had a “Eureka!” moment. I sat down at my computer and started writing the chapter that was bugging me so much. It took me a couple of days, but I wrote my way around the wall. The words went from my mind to the page like there had been no issue before. Perhaps I really did just need to step away for a bit.

Needless to say, productivity has been good and I have reached the next word count milestone. I just need to wait to submit to the next round. I cannot wait to put that milestone sticker on my books’ covers. (By the time this post is on the blog, I will have already received it and submitted to the next checkpoint.)

In other news, I have created an Instagram account for The WriMo Blog, as a back-up because I want to make sure I still have a place to record video updates. The rumor is that TikTok is getting banned. I do not fall on either side, but I complete understand the thoughts of small business owners. TikTok has been an amazing platform for marketing. I am very comfortable there, but I am definitely willing to learn different platforms for the sake of keeping the hustle.

That’s all I have for today. I hope you are all doing well in life and in your creative projects. Stay safe, and stay awesome. See you in the funny papers!

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