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Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The WriMo Blog: NaNoWriMo 2023 Week 1 | I'm Writing, That Matters

Welcome to The WriMo Blog where I share my monthly writing goals, project progress, and more! Today's post is a check-in and an update on my NaNoWriMo progress. If this interests you, keep reading!

Hello, writer friends! The first week of NaNoWriMo has come and gone. I really tried my hardest and I have made progress, however; I've had a lot going on that has dipped into my writing time. I've also been playing Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom- to be fair, I was waiting for my brother to be done playing before I started; its his game, after all. Internet connection has also been a problem. I chose to write in Google Docs and while I have the "Work Offline" feature turned on, I still need internet to get everything loaded up when I first turn on my laptop. (New PC has not arrived yet.)

I've mentioned before that Project NBU is special to me because it was the first time I completed a NaNoWriMo (Camp, April 2016) and it helped me escape a rough time in my life. Sure, lots of my books hold similar meaning, but NBU has the highest rank. 

There was never a prologue for this book, but I decided to write one. I feel the story will be better because of it; it was missing those minor details about the male MC's feelings about his parents' divorce and his own love for all things book-related. Additionally, I've altered the extent of his mother's relationship with the female MC's father. Which allowed me to change that unique lifestyle element.

Not everyone who read the original version of this story understood, or didn't care for the "multiple wife" detail and I did, unintentionally, leave important details out. There was a lot left unexplained and it was hurting the book.

For the rest of the story, because I am revising/changing a whole lot of it, I'm not doing what I did for Eric & Annie's book, which was a lot of copy&paste when I didn't want to change the way a paragraph was written. For NBU, I guess the proper term would be "revising, but writing from scratch." It's going to be a whole new draft when I'm done.

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? How's your progress going? Comment below; I'd love to cheer you on!

That's all from me this week. I hope you're doing well. Stay safe, and stay awesome. See you in the funny papers!

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