Project Tracker

Currently tracking ... Camp NaNoWriMo July 2024; Project Humanoid

434 / 10000 words. 4% done!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Camp NaNoWriMo July 2024 | Day 1: Project Announcement

Welcome to The WriMo Blog where I share my monthly writing goals, project progress, and more! Today's post is my Camp NaNoWriMo July 2024 Announcement. If this interests you, keep reading!

Well, I'm at it again. I'm participating in Camp NaNoWriMo 2024, July session.

Why make this decision on a whim when my past participations have all been a bust for the last 5+ years? Let, me tell you about the project before you jump to conclusions:

When I was making my 2024 Writing Goals & Plan, I knew what project I would be working on, this summer.

I have shared minor details about 'Project Humanoid' in some previous posts, so I won't go too deep into details, today.

I pre-scheduled a sneak peek of this project on my Wattpad profile, and I recently posted it to Inkitt as well. Of course, the scheduled dates were a couple weeks ago while I was still visiting my cousin. I had to put the plan on hold, until I was back home.

Additionally, I fully intend to write this project and get as much of it out as I can, whether I reach my Camp goal or not. Speaking of goals...

I only hope to write 10,000 words. It's mostly brainstorming and zero-drafting the first 5 chapters. I already have an outline, and I know where I want the story to start. And as of writing this post, I have 434/10,000 words. It's going great!

Anyway, that's my announcement. I will intentionally keep the blog updated as I go through Camp. It's not likely to be any sort of Daily update, but maybe every week.

If you're participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this July, comment below! And if you are doing your own challenge, but are using the NaNo word tracker, wanna be cheer-buddies? Comment below your NaNoWriMo profile link!

Thanks for dropping in. I hope you're doing well. Stay safe, and stay awesome. See you in the funny papers!

Add Project Humanoid to your reading lists: 

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