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Saturday, October 3, 2015

New Books!!

Good morning! So, I do not remember if I mentioned my reading slump this week? Well, yesterday the landlord came to bring us our mail, and guess what most of the packages were! Books, for me! Yes! So, I got my signed copy of Catherine Banks' book, Daughter of Lions, and it is about a teenage girl who's father is the Alpha lion of the pride, but she is merely a hybrid and does not possess the ability to shift into lion form. I literally just finished it and plan to have a review on my blog. My point is, that book got me out of my slump. It was just what I needed to get me back into reading.

The next book(s) I got are the Jacoby novels by William Ritter. And the quote on the front of the book, from Chicago Tribune, says "Sherlock Holmes crossed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer." So I am guessing it is a paranormal/mystery. (My mom did not look too thrilled :s)These books were sent to me from Algonquin, Young Readers, but I honestly do not remember putting my name in. All the same, it is really cool that I got them. I do not know if the books create a series, but I have two books. The first book is called Jacoby and the second is called Beastly Bones and is an ARC. So, those are going to be very interesting. (I will have the covers posted at the bottom of this post)

I sometimes wonder if I should be sharing these book details on my book blog, but I have my system/routine going and I like having two blogs. I keep them running fairly well and I do not feel overwhelmed with the two.

So, my family (the choir and company) returned home last night. After a week of filming their new cover video. The director, K (whom I have mentioned before), along with his crew (of whom I only met C), did a great job. K stayed here the night, because it was too late for him to drive and everyone was exhausted. I think it will take a few days for everyone to get back to normal.

I am only just getting on my laptop today, and I have a bunch of things I want to do before 2pm. Yes, the regular routine is starting back up today. My sister was away all week and she needs to catch up with her stuff. That's okay, I have two new book I want to read anyways.

As promised above, here are the covers of the books I got yesterday. Aren't they gorgeous!

Well, that is all for now (or today). I will see you all again ASAP. God bless you, you're wonderful. By!

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