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Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year! 2016!

Hey all! Wow, 2015 flew by! It literally came and fled like a turkey trying to escape hungry pilgrims on Thanksgiving! Well, for those of you wondering, yes, I prepared this post last night.

It appears that I shall have a great deal of enjoying a particular book . . . yes, I won another giveaway, or two, or three. Wanna know what I mean? Let's discuss it! (I am starting to post more book posts on Haddie's Haven, but personally feel this post does not belong over there, in my opinion.)

First on the winnings list is Everville: The Fall of Brackenbone, by Roy Huff. I won a paperback of this book, though it is the fourth in the series, and I have not heard nor read it yet. I am hoping the author signs it like he said on Book Nerd Paradise. If he doesn't, I still got a paperback. (Because I love having books in my hand. 

The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson!!!!!! This was also via YouTube, but I got to choose the book I wanted. BookGeekMovieFreak does a monthly giveaway, where she gives away $15 through the Book Depository. Now, I have been entering all her giveaways for . . . maybe the entire time that I have been blogging on Haddie's Haven (granted, I did start the blog itself over a year ago, but turned it into a book blog). When I saw that I won, I wanted to cry, because I already knew which book(s) I would choose from. 

BTW, today is the release date for Blood Moon (Everealm #3) by +J.D. Wright (I'm in chapter one, almost two, and you can expect a tour post on Haddie's Haven this month) Just thought I would share that.

Another giveaway I won, but have mentionned was the $5 Amazon GC. And with that I bought Unending Devotion by Jody Hedlund. I mean, I L♥VE Biblical based, historical fiction. I think I can safely say it is my top favorite genre, but I can also say that Fantasy, Contemporary, NA, YA, and Romance are all up there as well. 

We are in a new year people! Make it count! And I don't just mean new year's resolutions or cliches like that. I mean make it worth the time spent before Christ. I don't usually share stuff like this, because some people would call it "forcing". I'm not forcing, I'm sharing, as I should.

Anyways, I hope this new year brings you all many blessings. But remember, sometimes we have to know what troubles feel like in order to appreciate the blessings we do have. 
May God bless you. Happy new year!

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