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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What's Up Wednesday!

So . . . I decided to join the YA Bookshelf, hence the reason for using the banner above. It is basically a community of bloggers and YA authors, each contributing to post either book reviews or author interviews. It was started/created by Derek Murphey, who is brilliant in making graphics. I watch all his videos about publishing and tips of the trade. He is recently started writing fiction, which I have the privilege to read currently. Though I do need to catch up with my TBR before February hits me.
I do not know all the details about the YA Bookshelf, but I am most eager to give it a try.

It is Wednesday, and I have got myself a new book (print) that I've been reading for the last 24 hours. And that book is The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson! Yes, the landlord brought the mail to my house yesterday, and the lovely book was amongst the mail! I have not been able to put it down, not without forcing myself. That is a VERY good sign. I feel a little stumped and think that I should have gotten The Merchant's Daughter, because The Fairest Beauty is Hagenheim #3. But maybe that is okay. Because I do recall a video Dickerson did, talking about the book series. The second book takes place in London, England, not Hagenheim, Germany. And it is different characters, I believe.

I don't think I have ever really given a review that was negative . . . I find it hard not to enjoy a book, even when other say it lacks in some areas. I suppose I lack in those areas, ergo the reason why I enjoy them? I never let other reviews influence my reading experience, or my own reviews. I was looking at some of the reviews for a book I read recently (No Promises Review) and some of the opinions are similar to my own. Another book I reviewed (Annabeth Neverending Review), had a large amount of mixed reviews, which I did not get at all. The book is amazing in my dictionary! But, of course, people are entitled to their opinion, as I am. And I say the book is a winner! I want another book!

I did not write much yesterday. I was babysitting too much to have time to sit and write for more than five minutes in the evening. Why? Well, Mom#3 has been sick and in bed, so . . . Yeah, I was filling in. (Wow, my head hurts right now. Like an elephant is sitting on my brain.)

So, yeah. That is what is going on right now. I hope to have some more reviews going up on Haddie's Haven. And I will possibly start posting on the YA Bookshelf. Hope you are all having a nice week. We've made it to the bump! God bless and see you on Friday!
I love this!

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