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Monday, April 10, 2023

The WriMo Blog: Camp NaNoWriMo & #AdventureInAction Updates

Welcome to The WriMo Blog where I share my monthly writing goals, project progress, and more! Today's post is about my writing updates during the first week of April. If this interests you, keep reading!
I made a lot of progress during the first week. On the April 1st, I opened my prepared GoogleDoc and my dossier of information (three notebooks of notes about the kingdom of Evæqesta) and started to compile it into sections.

I know I said I was outlining a future series, but writing up all the backstory will help me do this and create a record of the events within the fictional world. Understanding the world-building will, in my hopeful opinion, help me see the overall picture of each story.

Among my notes is a character related to the Evæqesta world, who is referenced in THE LARK’S PEARL. The character is not important to that story, but I referenced it because the character plays a part in Evæqestan history. Hence my reason for writing up all the back-story in my notes. A lot of my notes are vague, but they make sense to my plan for the series and the fictional-fantasy world.

While this is not a Camp NaNo update, it does pertain to my writing progress this month. I think I talk about it in my next post (it goes live tomorrow), but here is the gist of it. 

The Wattpad Action profile announced a character creation contest. Participants create a character who will later be written into a series of flash-fiction stories inspired by a selection of writing prompts. I completed my character (and announced my participation on social media), and began working on the prompts. Luckily, there are only 7 prompts total, and the deadline is April 30th. I’m doing my best to get the stories written, but … I’ll let the next paragraph explain.

I did wait until the week was over before actually sharing this post, because as it turned out, the second half of the week was busy with things not involving my writing. It was also Resurrection weekend and I was with friends. Additionally, my Wi-Fi connection was absolutely the worst; it was raining cats & dogs and the signal kept giving out.

Anyway, that’s all I have for today. Thanks for being here. Comment below if you are participating in Camp NaNoWriMo or the Adventure In Action Character contest. I would love to know what you’re working on!

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