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Monday, November 2, 2020

NaNoWriMo 2020 Day 2: The Foggy Brain and the Cup of Coffee


Current word count: 1,667
Come back on Day 3 for word count from Day 2

Welcome back! 

I write this post on Day 2 of NaNoWriMo 2020, when I am exhausted after the previous day. Which is not normal, but hear me out. I am very much a morning person. I am up with the sun. I am most productive during morning hours. But when it's storming during the night, with thunder, lightning and a lot of wind ... I don't sleep. So, after staying up past my usual "brain shut down" hour to meet my Day 1, word-count goal, I was awake nearly all night because it was storming. (#HurricaneMariaPTSD) Basically, Day 2 started with some foggy brain and a huge cup of coffee. I am the kind of person to work hard and not let things stop me from writing. Except when a break is truly necessary.

Here are some of my NaNoWriMo habits and essentials.

Music to My Ears

I have many playlists for writing. But my constant go-to playlist is a selection of movie soundtracks. Many writers and authors say it's best to have instrumental, but I find myself (everyone is different) working just fine with lyrical music.

Totally Random Fact:

I like listening to movies and YouTube videos when I am working/writing. I know. 

"Are you crazy?! That's a recipe for distraction!"

I know, believe me. But I live in a very large, very loud family. I can work/write through anything ... Except hurricanes and big storms.

Movies I enjoy listening to are: Stardust, Greta Gertwig's Little Women; Jane Eyre with Michael Fassbender. Shazam!, Jupiter Ascending. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Recently added: Mortal Engines. These are all movies I own on DVD/BluRay.

Plan of Action:

As mentioned in the previous post, my plan is just to write multiple projects and keep track of my word count on a collective scale. So far, I've worked on four of my 12 projects. As the month goes on, I will reveal at least two (2) projects in my posts. Provided I don't spoil them and 

One in particular has had more attention than the others.

Project Reveal:

I am writing a fantasy retelling of David & Goliath. Written under my E. S. Elias pen-name. It is one of my favorite stories of all time and I've been sitting on the outline of this story for  ... a little over a year. Here's the blurb I have posted to Wattpad.

Tristan is a lowly shepherd with a passion for music and a wish to join the royal knights. The one thing keeping him from reaching this dream is his health. Until one day, everything changes.

Prince Melot lives for the moments when he can pretend his life is not predestined for the throne. His relationship with his father is not warm sunshine in the spring.

Brought together through mutual hopes and strong friendship, Tristan and Melot undertake the most dangerous feat they'll ever experience in their lives: Magic. 

In a kingdom where sorcery is unwelcome can Tristan and Melot keep their friendship from falling apart? And when Melot's father becomes rash, will Tristan have the strength to stand up to the man leading the country? 

To add this book to your reading list, > CLICK HERE <

The next project I am working on is under my Vixen Foxheart pen-name. It is a darker contemporary, love-triangle romance. One of 2 triangles, actually. But I have nothing to share apart from that. I'm flying by the seat of my pants with these two (2) stories. Vixen also has a ghost story in the works. Normally, I would keep paranormal under my E. S. Elias name, but this story fits Vixen Foxheart better. I do not have book links for any other project at this time. But I might have some to share in a later post.

That is all for today's post. I hope you second day of NaNoWriMo is going well. Keep your mind sharp. Write your words without self-doubt. You're going to do amazingly.

Follow me on TikTok for daily video updates! The link is at the top of this blog and right here!

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