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Thursday, November 5, 2020

NaNoWriMo 2020 Day 3 - Day 5: Keep Calm and Write On!


Current word count: 4,027

Welcome back, WriMoS!
Day 2 didn't go as I anticipated. My mood was down. Normally, I can take advantage of my moods and just write as much as I want. But not that time. Today, I had a bit going on at home, so I was up and down at my desk a lot. Day 3+4 were better, but mentally, I just wasn't with it. It's currently Day 5, and my mood has lifted.
At the very least, I can definitely say I am glad I am only keeping track of collective word count and not a single project. As I've mentioned in many posts during previous NaNoWriMo's, November has always been a rough month for me, emotionally. Back in 2015, my family was hit hard. I prefer to not talk about it with anyone outside of my family. So all I will say is that I always start NaNoWriMo so strong, but somewhere along the way I fall into a puddle of emotion and can't keep up the momentum. 
NaNoWriMo 2016 was my best year. I don't know what I did differently, apart from outlining every inch of my novel. I finished a day late, but I kept pushing through and every year I try to reproduce that momentum. But I still haven't met that goal or level of execution. I do not believe myself a failure. I believe I am a very good writer and I write for myself. Most of the time.
But all this aside, I'm still happy to get words on to the paper ... keyboard ... whatever. xD

That's all for now. Keep writing. You're going to do great. Bye!

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