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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Open Novella Contest 2024: Progress Update for Day 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 | The WriMo Blog

Welcome to The WriMo Blog where I share my monthly writing goals, project progress, and more! Yes, it is another Open Novella Contest 2024 progress update. If this interests you, keep reading!
I didn't get to post this update the other day, so I combined three days worth of updates. The top update I have is that I've crossed into the 7k word count territory. Major milestone is coming up. I'm excited!

On Day 8, I had an outing with friends, so I wrote as much as I could fit into the few hours I had before needing to get ready. I wrote 205 words that day.

Day 9 was a slower day, I wrote 201 words. This was also the day I felt I needed to have an additional storyline to help me bring my novella to the 20,000 word requirement.

Day 10; I wrote a minimal goal. 294 words. I had plans to go shopping with my mom and we left much earlier than we would have on a different day. When I got home, I wasn't in a writing mood but I was in a brainstorming mood. I really want this book to go all the way, to the extent that I also considered writing a second novella just to be in Round 3.

Finally, Day 11: Today, I came to the conclusion I needed to include a second prompt in my novella. I went back to the list and read through until I found one that matched what I had going already.

As it turns out, the secondary prompt I chose helps bring my scandal idea into the story. I'll include the prompt here:

I am not going to write a second novella. I really did give it some thought, but I think I need to just focus on the one until it's finished. I know, me? Queen of working on multiple projects as once. It just doesn't feel like something I want to do this time. Sure, it worked out during ONC2023, but I did end up only bringing one novella into Round 3. 
I'm not saying I won't try writing multiple projects in the future, its just not what I'm doing at this time.

How many words did I write on Day 11? At the hour I was writing this post, it was 719 words. I expected to write more as the evening went on. I also had to make dinner, so I go up at one point. If the number grew after I posted this update, you'll find out on another day.

That's all I have for this update. How are your writing projects going? Remember, whether you've written 1,000 words, or just 10 words, it is still words on the page.

I'm really glad you dropped in. Stay safe, and stay awesome. See you in the funny papers!

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