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Thursday, February 1, 2024

Open Novella Contest 2024: Day One | Prompt Picking Ceremony | The WriMo Blog

Welcome to The WriMo Blog where I share my monthly writing goals, project progress, and more! Today's post is the beginning of my #ONC2024 journey! If this interests you, keep reading!
Hello, writer friends! Today is the day, ONC2024 has begun and yes! I have chosen my entry prompt!

I am posting this at the end of ONC2024 Day 1, so everything I did today will be here.

To choose my prompt, I compiled my favorite ones into a list and then added them to the online Picker Wheel, clicked Spin! #55 was actually one of my top three and I am really glad it was first choice.

My afternoon was spent grocery shopping with my mom, but the five hours leading to my departure were well spent! I have a title, I have a cover (temporary but pretty!) and I have a mock-up blurb!

The Girl with Scars

When Prince Oskar decides to disguise himself and goes out into the village to see what the people are like, he is met with a shocking sight. There are orphaned children in the streets, beggars at every corner, and people fighting for their next meal. The kingdom of Unara has never seen poverty and the royal family looks out for the people. Why is this village struggling?

As Oskar returns every day, he befriends one of the village’s deformed members. A young woman with multiple scars on her face. Taking pity on her, the prince gives her one of the rings on his fingers, intending for it to bring her a better life. However, the woman is soon arrested for being in possession of this ring and Oskar knows she is innocent. Until he discovers otherwise...

This novella will have fantasy elements, a dash of mystery, and romance of course! I've created a Pinterest board as well as a collage inspo board for in the book itself. And, per usual, I have banners for chapters and scene breaks!

At the time of writing this post, I only have plans for the one novella entry. There are still so many amazing prompts I'm interested in and I might combine them into one of my current WIPs just because they would totally work!

Are you participating in the Open Novella Contest 2024? Which prompt did you use?

I wish you the best in your writing adventures. Stay safe, and stay awesome. See you in the funny papers!

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