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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Current Book Favorites

My favorite book(s) list has recently expanded. I did not exaggerate my love for the Cherry Hill series, by Ron Estrada, and I am not exaggerating when it comes to the recently added books. I was going to post this on my other blog, but the theme does not really involve much of a "review". Here goes . . .

The Infinite Books, by R. J. Larson
I had gotten a copy of Prophet on my Kindle app (like last Fall), and I had tried to start reading it several times. My life was quite busy, and I just could not sit still and read it for a time. I opened it yesterday, and was determined to read it. And, WOW! I was not disappointed. I felt it was worth the read, it left me wanting to keep going (which I cannot do because I do not have the 2nd and 3rd books yet). I so badly want to know what happens to Ela and Kien. I loved their characters, and the plot sucked me right in. And the covers! \o/ I love the artwork/photography used for the covers. The cover for Prophet is what called my attention to get the book in the first place (and the description, because I was looking for Christian themed books). Also, it had a pinch of romantic feel. What good book does not have a little romance in it? (I actually am planning to buy print copies of these books as soon as my dad pays me back the money he owes me. BookDepository has them for a good price and free shipping! Was not told to say that. That is coming from my soul.)

Speaking of Romance . . .

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
(Not the cover of my owned book)
I love this book. I have read it over a dozen times. It has never left my favorites list, but I never really gave it an official spot. Here is why: I have yet to read the unabridged version. The copy I have was an old library book, and it was abridged, shortened. Every time I read this book, I feel like I am transported to that era. I start speaking like them, I start using the big words. Everything. The story is so bittersweet and Jane, though "plain", is an ideal character role model. I don't know why. I admire her will-power. I love that, even though she was so little known to men, she was steadfast and faithful. Her whole heart was in the matter. 

Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare
I love the 2013 (movie) version of this play. Before watching the movie, I borrowed my sister's copy of the book, to become familiar with the story. Such a well loved, tragic romance. It made me wonder if Shakespeare wrote his plays, reflecting his life. I am not entirely familiar with the playwright, so my thoughts could be wrong.

Nicholas Sparks novels!
I only own three of Sparks' novels, but they definitely land a spot in my favorites list. I have said this before, and I will say it again. I saw the movies before reading the books, and I wish that I didn't. There were some details that I enjoyed in the book much more than I did in the films. I have yet to catch up on reading the books, because I have seen more than 3 of Sparks' movies.

Twelf Night (Or What You Will), by William Shakespeare
I read (like a mini) graphic novel of this play, and fell in love. Don't know why. I even cried at the end when brother and sister are reunited. I can kinda of relate to the reunion scene that takes place between the brother and sister characters. Probably because I was in a similar situation when I was a little girl, and being reunited with your brother is quite a . . . yeah, not going to get into it.

I have not read these books, nor do I possess a copy of them yet. I am just in love with the cover design, and the plot(s) intrigue me. I recently entered a writing contest to try and win a copy of Siren's Fury, and it's been a couple weeks since the entry deadline. I am on the edge of my seat! I just want to have these books to make my invisible book shelf look pretty. *shrugs* 

Great Expectation, by Charles Dickens
Do not ask me how I managed to read such a complicated book, but I did. And I enjoyed it. My mother gave me such a look a couple months ago, when she saw me with the book in the living room. Like Romeo and Juliet, I read the book to become familiar with the story before seeing the movie. (The one with Jeremy Irvine. . . *sighs*)  I actually prefer both of Dickens' endings. I do not feel for one over the other. Both endings were excellent. The film actually used the second ending, and it was well played.

So this has been my current book favorites. I recommend all of the books mentioned, except for the ones I have not read yet. BUT if you were to read other bloggers' reviews and recommendations on them, I am sure they are highly recommended. What are some of your current book favorites? Recommend some to me in the comments. I would like to see what you guys are reading.

(I am about to not act my age) *Bob the Tomato voice* God made you special, and He loves you very much! Bye!


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