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Sunday, July 5, 2015

14 Days = 2 Weeks

(I am writing this post on July 4th, but posting it July 5th)

It has officially been two weeks (Sunday) since the puppies were born. They are so cute, it is going to be so hard for me to let them go. I mean, yes, they will be with someone my family sees often, so they won't be with strangers. I just have a huge love for puppies, and dogs in general. Anyways, they will be going to their new home sometime in August, or even in September. This depends on when they are weaned. Most dog owners give away their puppies right when they start eating puppy food. But that actually interferes with their development and brain cells. (Yes, I did my research) I don't want to give away puppies that are under developed. Bella was actually slightly under developed. She had trouble learning and catching commands. She was two months old when we got her last year. People don't want a dog like that. They want a dog that is trainable. 

I am thinking that when I get a bit of $$, I should create a domain, and I should start getting into the book side of the net. I mean, everything I post is book related, with the exception of mentioning my dogs. SO yeah, I should make my YouTube channel book-related. BookTube, here I come! 

Thank you everyone who takes the time to read these blog posts. I appreciate it. 

I am still waiting to hear from PointlessBlog about his Vlogging Giveaway. I have commented a few times on that video, not that it would give me a greater chance of being chosen. He giving away three (3) vlogging cameras, along with an SD memory card (1 each) to help them start their channels. I would love to be one of those three. It would give me the boost I need to go with my channel.

Bump #1: The camera is the first bump in the road that is stopping me. (I mention this a lot) the camera I was planning to use, is actually my sister's, so it limits me to the time I can film and stuff. 

Bump #2: The other bump in the road is TIME. I mean, I have been able to make time to film, but then it just goes down the drain because of Bump #1.

Bump #3: the other bump is that I am the "go-to girl" in my house. Anytime someone needs something done, they come to me, because I get it done on the spot. (Which is not a bad thing. I like that they can rely on me).

Well, that is all for now. I think this is my longest post yet (or one of them). Thank you for stopping by. May God bless you in your whereabouts today. and I will see you next time. Happy Independence Day to America. Ciao!

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