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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Favorites and Current Updates

Good morning! I apologize for not posting much in the last . . . 72 hours? I don't know, but a lot has been going on in the offline world. I thought I would just take the time to tell you guys what is going on and share some of my favorites lately.

Current favorite books series: The Cherry Hill Series by Ron Estrada. I did a review on the first two (2) books, and they are amazing! If you would like to read those, they can be found on my book review blog - 

The next thing I would like to share with you is not sponsored. I just would like to share this with you. I am subscribed to a daily newsletter that sends me E-Book reading deals. Daily E-mails with ten (10) E-book offers of all kinds of books. I've been subscribed for a month now, and I have purchased nearly 400+ E-books! I started out with maybe 10-20 E-books in my Kindle app, and now my list is 450+. I limit the amount of E-book purchases I make because not all the offers are in my preferred genres. Some of these offers go from cook books, to basic "Writing for Dummies" titles (no lie). If you would like to subscribe to this newsletter, then go to this website. -

I subscribed to that newsletter, in hopes of expanding my reading list, and to have content for my new review blog. I also was inspired to start that blog because I read a blog recently that was giving information on how to start such blogs. I stumbled onto that post, I don't know how I ended up there. Anyways, it got me thinking "You can do that. You've been blogging a while. You know how to read and write review; you did it in school."  I believe I have a button, from the blog I read on that subject, on my make-shift blog/website (can be found here - )
Well, that is all for now. I have to make lunch. God bless you, and I will see you all next time. Ciao!

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