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Saturday, July 25, 2015

The First Time I . . .

Be truthful! You know you only started read this post because of the title ;D LOL. Well, I just thought I would share what I am currently reading. My sister (you know who you are!) has owned Sophie Kinsella's Remember Me? book for a LONG time, and I decided to try and read it. . . Again. You see, the first time I read it, was when I was . . . sixteen, and I NEVER read books that were adult-themed. At that time in my life, every time the subject arose, I would drop the book and never go back to it again. The content made me uncomfortable, and I just felt it was better to stay away from it. Now, nearly five years later, I am running out of books to read. I don't want to re-read my 'middle-grade' books, and I want something new. I took a look at my sister's metal book shelf, and it was staring right at me. 'Might as well,' I said to myself, and I picked up the book. I asked my sister to loan it to me, and I am just passed the midway point. I do not remember anything about the from the first time I read it, so this has been quite the experience. And spoiler, I am relating to the main character's mother and her dogs! \o/ Dead serious! It's a nutty thought, but I totally relate to her. Anyways, back to the book. I will be posting my thoughts on this book (maybe) tomorrow, because I have not put the book down until now. Well, that is all for now. Happy reading!

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