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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My Dogs' New Den

I love my dogs, I love the puppies. My mom recently got fed up with the dogs living in our garage, and made them a temporary fence on the far side of the yard. They have been there for two mornings now, and it is kind of a bittersweet feeling. Because I would much rather have them in my bedroom, if I had one of my own (which I do not, at the present time). Okay, I can understand the feeling with Spike, who is just here as a favor to a friend of my dad. But Bella, Bruno and the puppies, they are family. Why must we "follow the norms" of dog housing.
We are supposed to be getting some dog training videos to watch, but the training my mom is looking for DOES NOT EXIST. Reason why? Because people have their dogs mainly IN their homes, not in a house in the yard. Its like, most people let their dog live inside, and are "let outside" when they need exercise or to do their stuff. I guess it takes the "noise" away. Call me lazy, but now that they are over on "that" side of the yard, I don't want to have to walk fifty feet to greet them.

Well, see you next time. Bye!

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