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Sunday, September 6, 2015

#SYTYCW15 Book Near Completion!

I am so happy right now, I could cry. Scarred Hearts is literally so close to being finished right now. I cannot even believe it. I mean, I can, I finished the book once before. I never thought I would add more to that book, but I love that I was able to work on it some more. I cannot wait for the next round of the contest to take place. I just know I am going to be in the top fifty books chosen. I just know it!!

K and two of my siblings are singing to 1D's What Makes You Beautiful!! xD Well, they were, until my younger brother turned of the radio. LOL Now they are making the piƱa coladas. Now we've got

So, I know I will finish this chapter tonight, because I only 1k more words left. Which means I will get to work on my new book and on Strong. I have quite a bit planned for Pictures of You, it is going to be so awesome and heart wrenching. Who has a best friend? That is what it is about. Best friends, (no they do not turn to lovers, because that will take away from where I am headed).

Merick and Ebony's friendship is going to be epic, and it is going to make all of you appreciate your friends and family more. I am being influenced by some of the romance books I have been reading lately, but applying it to best friends. I know that I am already starting to appreciate them more.

Anyway, I am going to go now. I want to finish this chapter, and get my drink. God bless you all. See you tomorrow!

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