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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Harper Art, Hard At Work, And Carbs!

Hey peoples! Well, Harper Art is running again. It has been a while since I did any graphics, and I am not talking about the one I made for my art portfolio. I mean an actual book cover. Well, the cover(s) I am making is not going to go anywhere at the moment, they are just to give this author an idea of what I can do for her book. Which she is planning to publish soon, and she asked me to make a few samples for her. The book is a memoir, so it needs to reflect the content in her book. That is something to look forward to working on.

Who does not love pasta? I LOVE pasta, and I can never get enough of it.

Meanwhile, I've got this AWESOME book review tour coming up. Tomorrow, I have either one (1) or two (2) reviews that I will be posting. Both are part of a series, but they are separate authors. Both are very interesting, though I prefer one over the other. You will see why in my reviews when I post them tomorrow morning.

Be prepared for an extravagant review tomorrow. This will be the longest, most detailed I have ever done. SPOILER: I am even going to the extent of making visuals of my favorite characters. ;D I might even post it tonight, if I can get through writing the review, and finish reading the book. Which I am reading right now because I cannot seem to get away from it. ♥

I will end this post here. Have a blessed day, and I will see you all tomorrow! Ciao!

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