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Currently tracking ... Camp NaNoWriMo July 2024; Project Humanoid

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Listning To Teen Writers Publish!

Title says it all! But listening to today's episode is a little different (I started listening to this pod-cast last month), and here is why . . . . My story, Saved, is going to be mentioned and critiqued! xD
Ron Estrada had asked me if I would like my story to be critiqued a couple weeks ago, and the episode has gone live this morning! I am somewhere after the beginning, took a brief pause to write this. - Here is the link to the episode's web-page -

What's really cool is that some of the advice given in this pod-cast has been something I have applied to myself several times. So, I am on the right track.

- PAUSE - 50 Min.s Later -

That was awesome to listen to. I definitely learned something new about Katherine Ganzel, whom's work I admire. I got some excellent advice, and I am definitely going to put that into action ASAP. 

I am going to go eat. I did not get breakfast, and as I formally mentioned yesterday, I HAVE TO EAT. So, I will see you all later!

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