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Sunday, August 2, 2015

This Day Just Took An Awesome Turn!

So, I did not think I was going to post anything else today, but this is just too cool to not to post about it.
I just found out that I am the winner of another giveaway! \o/ I literally was just checking my email, and the email notification showed up! So, I have two books that will be coming to me, within the next couple of weeks, or so. I fell out of my chair after reading it. I thought that giveaway had already ended, and the winner chosen. I haven't even checked up on that giveaway in weeks. SO, here are the books I may be getting:

 The Healer's Apprentice
by Melanie Dickerson

I have heard GOOD things about this book. It has been on my wishlist since the day I heard of it. I love that it is Christian/Historical Fiction. That genre is me bae! (IDK if that is the first time I actually said that. . .) I watch the book trailer twice a week, because it is so beautiful, and its just something I want in my hands. ♥
The next book follows a similar theme, but because it is also a faerie tale re-telling.

The Twelve Dancing Princesses
by Jenni James

I actually already read a third of this book (thanks to, and I have been following Jenni James forever. I read one of her first books (Beauty and the Beast) before it was even published. I was so upset when that book was taken down, because that was right when I was reaching the mid-point. I now own an E-copy of that book, and I have been wanting to get my hands on more of her books. I am getting there. I now have. . . . three (3). Four, if I start counting this one.

Well, that was another one of my brain-fart moments. I just had to get this out of my system to someone, anyone. Thank you for reading, and see you all VERY soon!

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