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Monday, August 24, 2015

"Wow! It Is So Quiet!" - #SYTYCW15 #LoveInspired #Wattys2015

Good morning! So, J's parents came to get him last night. However, he might be coming back later this week for one of my brother's birthdays. We had a good time with him here, and he was great with everyone. It was good seeing him. I actually ran into him earlier this summer, at the beach while I was staying at a friend's house. (No, like in May, early summer) After having the guys here over the weekend, it has gotten rather quiet, and I almost wish it wasn't. I mean, yes, my house is usually very loud anyway, but having the guys here made it life of the party.

Well, today is a new week, and I am hoping to get back into my normal swinging routine. In bed before 11pm, up by 7am. A lot of the book tours I participate in usually have to be posted by 8am, so you can see why I want to get back into full swing. (And just to clarify, I wrote this post the night before, knowing I needed to try and get up on time, and just in case I didn't)

Supposedly, there is going to be a tropical storm coming, followed by two hurricanes. \o/ RAIN! Though I do not look forward to the possibility of no lights during the storms. I am looking forward to the rain. The yard has been looking brown, and with rumors of the water running low around town, it seems that this might just kick up the rainy season again. NO MORE DROUGHT! Not that it has been an actual drought. We've had drizzles of rain here and there.

This weekend seemed to be a little . . . in terms of writing, dry. I ran into that slump, but it picked back up. Like I mentioned yesterday, I still have faith that I will get this novel finished by the deadline. I repeat myself by saying: This book is kind of like my baby. This was my first full on novel (though I had taken it off of Wattpad, and put it back up), with the exception of some of my 1D fan fictions. But I do not consider those my babies, because Scarred Hearts has elements that I enjoy reading about. Christian families, faith in the younger people; blossoming romance, but like clean romance.

This is probably why I love The Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson so much. The storyline was exactly that. The author involved elementals from her faith, all which are very similar to my own. It was sheer brilliance. When I first heard about her books, I knew right away that I needed to get them somehow. Winning one of the giveaways helped me add it to my book crate.

Speaking of giveaways. I just learned that I won another book. A signed book. :D I am not going to get all gushy about it, I am just super excited for it. I just hope I replied in time and that a different winner was chosen . . . The "winning" message was sent to me yesterday. I replied around an hour, or two ago. And I notified the author via GoodReads (because I am friends with that author who hosted the giveaway).

I think that once I get a personal money thing coming in, I will host a giveaway, here on my blog. I know how to use Rafflecopter, so that is a plus. I do not know what I would giveaway, per say, but it would definitely be book related. Or even a random prize that involved something I like personally. People do that, so I will think about that. I cannot make any promises, but it is something I am thinking about and considering on doing. To give back to everyone who reads this blog. I know you are few, but you still read and I truly appreciate it.

I still have Scarred Hearts in the #Wattys2015. I honestly don't think it matters that I have it entered in two writing contests. I noticed lots of people doing the same thing with their novels, so I don't feel weird about it. I merely thought it was not fair to others to be entered with the same story in two different contests. But I should not have felt that way. Lots of people did it in the past. I went around asking, and the main answer was to not worry. So, I'm not going to worry.

I've been using Haddie's Haven 2.0 for the purpose of writing inspiration lately. I think I will just leave that blog for that sort of content, because keeping up with it along with this one, posting the same thing twice. It does not float my boat. I like posting mainly on this blog, so the use of that blog will be mainly to help inspire other writers, like myself, to changing their perspectives on writing in general. Who knows? Maybe my methods will work for others too.

Blogging has been such a fun journey for me. I said it before and I will say it again. I never thought I would like blogging this much. I never thought I would be good at blogging. It feels good to get my random thoughts out like this. Not only am I sharing my days with you guys, but I am enjoying it. I care about trying to become popular. I just find blogging to be something I love. Like that song by The Script - If you don't love what you do." 
It's not right, it's not right for you
If you even have to think about it
It's not right, it's not right for you
If you really have to think about it
You got one life to love what you do

So, yeah. I hope you are all well. Go and look at my book blog, I've got a new post up this morning. And I think there is a book giveaway. SO check that out. I will see you all again later. God bless. Ciao!

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