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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Girl Needs to WRITE!

Hey guys, its been a slow writing day for me. My laptop upgraded so everything is acting a little ka-pooky, and it has been freezing randomly when I have more than one flash-drive connected. So, I have not done anything to work on updates yet.

I will say that I have been busy reading a series for my review blog. If you are interested in knowing what those books will be, check my review blog tomorrow morning, because that is when I will be posting the first review. I have one more book to read in the series, and I am waiting to see if I can read the next one (if I can get a copy of it). The strange thing about it is that this is a book series I would have never picked up before this past week. My reading preferences has expanded slightly, and I have been keeping an open mind about it, just because the covers are what intrigued me most. The descriptions were interesting, but I did not realize exactly what it meant until I actually started to read the book(s). So, that just goes to show that I should have been a little more informed of what I was getting into. In the end, I got a set of free books. Good on all accounts. I still have my personal restrictions when it comes to reading, but now it all depends on whether I think I would like the book or now.

I don't know how many of you have been following me since the beginning, but as you guys know I have a second Wattpad account, where I post stories that are not Christian-based. That is where all of my non-Christian fan-fictions are. I do keep them to a safer degree of writing than most non-Christian stories, because I do fold in prayers and other Christian content, without adding too much. Because all the people that read those stories just . . . I won't talk about it. But that is one of my reasons for having two accounts. I do not know if I will continue with my previous plans for those other stories. I think that once I get them finished, I will jut leave them up, but not post new content.

I have big plans for the Rescued series, like I keep saying, and I mentioned on Wattpad last night a little bit about that. If you missed the message, here it is again -

OKAY! VOTE TIME! This is going to have massive impact on posting schedule I have laid out for Falling Slowly. You, my lovely readers, will have a say in this: I have more than half of the letters written, some are already typed into drafts. What I want to know is:
1) Should I wait for the rest of the letters to be in drafts before posting the first one?
2) Should I start posting and add the letters as they are typed (the way I have done with the other stories)?
3) Should I wait for all the letters to be in drafts, and post them all in one go?

COMMENT below what you think I should do. I value, and appreciate, your feedback. This will be a massive help to me, so I am asking that you pause and take the time to help me with this. Thank you. :) ♥
If I can get some outside help on making this decision, I would truly appreciate it. If no one gives their opinion, I will just go forward with what I think will work best for me.
Thank you so much guys! See you all tomorrow!

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