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Friday, August 28, 2015

Reading, Writing, and Initiation

Well, it is officially Friday, and J has been initiated to the crew. Here is how the initiation process goes in my house, when it comes to letting the guy friends this close. J has officially stayed at my house for a near seven days (if you don't count Monday). The last guy to stay at our house for that long (if not longer) was R. J has been recruited to cook tonight, which finalizes initiation. J is officially one of the kids. R has been one of us for a little over two years now.
 Please forgive me that I keep talking about my friends. It gives me something new to talk about.

Anyways, I am about to open up my novel and see what I can do tonight. I did not get to do much this morning, because I cooked lunch. But, I have bit plans, and I hope everyone, who has been reading Scarred Hearts, is enjoying it. No one has been commenting. I even went to the extent of dedicating a few chapters to some people I know will comment. (Girl, if you're reading this, though I am joking, I had expected more than that! xD)

I've also gotta read that box set, which I might do instead. Because that is the only book(s) that I need done this week (even though I have a week's extension). Aside of another book I have, that is the only one that needs to be read ASAP. All the other books in my currently-reading list can be read at a later date, before the end of October.

Well, it is dinner time. I am going to go grab some chow. God bless you all, and I will see you all tomorrow!

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