Project Tracker

Currently tracking ... Camp NaNoWriMo July 2024; Project Humanoid

434 / 10000 words. 4% done!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Party At The Breakfast Table!

So, J and K are here at the table, and there is quite  funny conversation going on. K's got a bunch of sarcasm, and he mixes with my two sisters that have the most sarcasm in the house. J, oh J. He just mixes with everyone and pays attention to the younger brothers, even if they are being obnoxiously annoying (when they say something more than six times). We just need to add R to the mix, and everyone would go nutty.

I've gotta get back into my writing today. Not to mention, I've got this book(s) that I have to read. I have added my currently reading list (from Goodreads) to this blog, so that you guys can see what I am reading. The list is below my favorite books montage.

Well, that is all for now, because I've gotta get a move on. Be smart, be happy. I will see you later. Ciao!

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