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Saturday, August 1, 2015


Okay, I officially l♥ve YA books! I mean, as long as the books stay revolving around where I am comfortable, I will read them! I have noticed quite a turn in my reading references, and I am slowly adjusting to it. Currently, I have been reading quite a few paranormal romances (yes, me; can you believe it?), and that is not a genre I expected to be interested in. I mean, I have been trying to expand my reading into other genres, but I am still quite picky. I try not to be picky, but it is just because of my upbringing, and I am okay with that.
Anyways, back to the YA-train. I've been really into YA reading lately, and I would like to officially thank YA Bound Book Tours for getting me hooked!
YA Bound Book Tours Mostly YA Book Obsessed
No, I was not put up to this. This is coming from the Click any one of the buttons above, and check out both blogs. YA Bound Book Tours, I have visiting their blog (first button) every other day to see if there are any new book tours in which I might be interested in participating. Yes, their blog is dedicated to YA novels, of almost every kind. I try to not join every single tour, because there is the possibility that I won't be able to make the deadline(s), so I stick to, maybe, two and three at a time. Provided they do not take place all in the same week.

Please look at my review blog, I post a new review every 2-3 days, and I sometimes post more than once a day, depending on how much content I have to share. Click the button below to visit my review blog.

Also, if you are interesting in seeing my review policy - CLICK HERE - Which I will also be adding to my review blog soon, I just need to work out the kinks. Thank you so much for reading, I shall return soon! God bless, and see you soon. :) ♥

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